/ Mar 14, 2025

Lemon Cake — Medical Weight Loss Clinic

3 Nutritional Supplements for Freedom meal plans
2 Nutritional Supplements, 1 Other Option for FastTrack meal plans

Suitable for all Freedom and FastTrack meal plans

1 MWLC Pancake Nutritional Supplement
1 MWLC Tangy Lemon Pudding Nutritional Supplement
1 MWLC Vanilla Pudding Shake Nutritional Supplement
Unflavored Non-Stick Cooking Spray
12 oz Water

Batter:   Spray the bottom of a small baking dish (mine was roughly 7 in x 5.5 in) with the cooking spray. Whisk the MWLC pancake packet and MWLC tangy lemon pudding packet with 8 oz water to make a batter consistency. Pour into the prepared baking dish and spread evenly. Microwave for 3.5 – 4 minutes, or until batter is fully cooked in the center.

Frosting:   Mix the 1 packet MWLC tangy lemon pudding and 1 packet MWLC vanilla pudding with roughly 4 oz of water to create a thick frosting consistency. Spread evenly on the cooked cake. Enjoy!

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